50 Must-Read Books Recommended by Roxane Gay. This imprint publishes three (3) books a year, so when submissions are closed to unagented writers, it is because my slate is currently full. One Sunday afternoon in Southern California, Bert Cousins shows up at Franny Keating’s christening party uninvited. I am a Magical Teenage Princess by Luke Geddes. Please, please read these guidelines and follow them. Or when I’m browsing at a bookstore and glimpse a Roxane Gay blurb on the cover, I’m assured this will be a good read. Since devouring BAD FEMINIST, relating to her shortcomings as a feminist (and her love of the color pink and… Channing Tatum), I’ve come to really value Roxane Gay’s opinion on stories that are authentic, culturally significant, and down-right entertaining. And just when I think I’ve lost my touch as a book recommender, it’s also quite affirming to read and love a novel and find that Roxane Gay felt the same way. Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books Bad Feminist, (2014) Urgent, Unheard Stories, (2015) Hunger, (2017) Not That Bad, (2018) How to Be Heard, (2021).
Here are some books from Roxane Gay’s shelf that I’ve enjoyed and some that I hope to read.